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Listen to Looch: Are there bands you think are too smart to get?

Mary Lucia talks with Joey Burns of Calexico in The Current studio
Mary Lucia talks with Joey Burns of Calexico in The Current studioNate Ryan | MPR

by Mary Lucia

April 24, 2018

I learned something yesterday when I had an in-studio with the band Calexico. My preconceived ideas of that band were that they were too smart for me to like. That sounds dumb, because I'm not an idiot, not completely.

Having walked into that interview somewhat unprepared and having just off-the-top-of-my-head questions probably saved me because we had a really nice conversation. It was very casual; it was about goofy stuff. It's not like we talked about splitting the atom.

But honestly, there are bands that I just think are too smart for me to get. And it got me thinking: What bands do you think are too smart for you to understand? Let me know.