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The Duluth Local Show

Zenith City Music Collective

  Play Now [59:59]

by Brian Ring and Micah Tigner

November 06, 2016

This week, Host Mike Novitzki chats with Lion or Gazelle's Brian Ring and Chase Down Blue's Micah Tigner about their new web project Zenith City Music Collective. Plus, we'll hear music from other participating artists.


Lone Gunman
Bob Rue and The Thousandaires
Don't Die So Much

Watch The World Unfold
Gaelynn Lea
The Songs We Sing Along The Way

Emancipation Blues
The Brothers Burn Mountain
Emancipation Blues

Easy Steaz
Kat Fox

Crazy and Crying
Actual Wolf
Itasca B-Sides

Sittin' On A Barstool
Joe Lindzius
Line O' Site

Dark Holler
Kyle Ollah
Wouldn't Mind Working From Sun to Sun

Trip To A Flame
Rich Mattson and The Northstars

Radio Fuzz
Chase Down Blue
Red Five

What Love
Lion or Gazelle
There's Blood in FIre

Just Felt Lucky

Ready To Die
Nat Harvie
Snow Is A Gift To My Fear

Short Way Down
The Farsights
The Farsights

Cherry Tigers
Low Forms
Private Party