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The Duluth Local Show

The Duluth Local Show for July 1, 2019

  Play Now [1:05:00]

June 30, 2019


Silver and Gold
Trampled by Turtles

Flood Waters
Bill and Kate Isles

Ol' John Doe
Teague Alexy & the Feelin' Band

Dog & Tail
The Slamming Doors

Black and Charred
Zoo Animal

Nothing Hits Me
Sarah Krueger

Follow Through ft. Kid Girl

Case For you ft. Dizzy Fae
Early Eyes

I Ain't Dead Yet
Charlie Parr

She Perished In The Snow
Too Many Banjos

60 Words for Water
Jerree Small

Superior Siren

The Boomchucks

Life Parade

Eternal Youth
Red Mountain

Sam Dawes
The Gentlemen's Anti-Temperance League