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Coffee Break: Remembering Mimi Parker -

Coffee Break: Remembering Mimi Parker

Mimi Parker of Low performs at Square Lake Festival on Saturday, Sept. 11.
Mimi Parker of Low performs at Square Lake Festival on Saturday, Sept. 11.Emmet Kowler for MPR

by Jill Riley and Rachel Frances

November 07, 2022

The world received heartbreaking news on Sunday morning. Low cofounder Mimi Parker has passed away after a two-year long battle with ovarian cancer. Parker’s husband and fellow Low cofounder Alan Sparkhawk shared the news on Low’s twitter account, writing:

“Friends, it’s hard to put the universe into language and into a short message, but She passed away last night, surrounded by family and love, including yours. Keep her name close and sacred. Share this moment with someone who needs you. Love is indeed the most important thing.”

The Current was lucky enough to have Low perform at Rock the Garden this past summer, and witness Mimi’s talent in concert and in The Current’s studios in past years. Since Low’s creation in 1993, the band has been on a journey of musical identity. Low’s first album, I Could Live in Hope, is a classic of the slowcore genre. In 2005, they took more of a rock approach for The Great Destroyer. The band teamed up with Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy in 2013 for a collection of Americana sounds in The Invisible Way. Parker’s slow, rhythmic drumming style paired with the flawless harmonies between her and Sparhawk, create the undeniably unique sound that is Low.  

In today’s Coffee Break, we’ll bring Parker’s vocals to the forefront and recognize the talent she brought to beloved Minnesota band Low. As we remember Mimi, we encourage sharing stories and cherished memories of the music she helped create. For today’s 9:30 Coffee Break, what Low songs do you want us to include in a tribute to Mimi Parker?

Respond with your song ideas in the comments below.

Have an idea for a Coffee Break topic? Submit your idea for a future theme and browse past Coffee Breaks in our archive.

Songs Played:
-Holy Ghost (Current Sessions at The Fitz)
-What Part of Me
-Especially Me (Current Sessions at The Fitz)
-Try to Sleep
-I Started a Joke (Bee Gees cover)
-You See Everything