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The Morning Show - With Jill Riley

Coffee Break: Electronic instruments

Carolina Eyck playing her theremin.
Carolina Eyck playing her theremin. Christian Huller

by Jill Riley

August 15, 2023

Lev Sergeyevich Termen — AKA Leon Theremin — creator of the theremin, was born August 15, 1896, according to official records (two different dates can be claimed due to the calendar in use in Russia at the time of Theremin’s birth; after adjusting for the Gregorian calendar, August 28 is often cited as a sort of second birthday for him).

Theremin’s instrument was originally a device used to measure the density of gas, not only giving a visual read of the value, but it would also emit a tone. Theremin soon discovered that the body’s proximity to the device affected its pitch. Thus, the theremin became of the first electronic instruments.

Ever since, electronic instruments have been popping up in all shapes and sizes, pushing forward into the mainstream of music. Through a multitude of genres, the unique sounds they emit continue to resonate in some of our favorite songs.

For today’s 9:30 Coffee Break, which songs featuring electronic instruments do you want to hear?

Respond with your song ideas in the comments below.

Have an idea for a Coffee Break topic? Submit your idea for a future theme and browse past Coffee Breaks in our archive.

Songs Played
Pixies - Velouria
Kraftwerk - Computer World
The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations
My Morning Jacket - Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt. 2
Laurie Anderson - O Superman
The White Stripes - Little People
The Spinto Band - Oh Mandy (bonus)