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Coffee Break: Indigenous Peoples Day

Indigenous dancers perform a variety of traditional dances including Fancy Shawl and Jingle Dress, during a protest against the name of the Washington D.C. NFL Franchise outside of US Bank Stadium in Minneapolis on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019.
Indigenous dancers perform a variety of traditional dances including Fancy Shawl and Jingle Dress, during a protest against the name of the Washington D.C. NFL Franchise outside of US Bank Stadium in Minneapolis on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019.Evan Frost | MPR News

by Mac Wilson

October 09, 2023

The second Monday of October has come around making today Indigenous Peoples Day — a national holiday focused on celebrating and honoring Indigenous American history and culture. In 2021, Joe Biden issued the first presidential proclamation of the holiday saying that it is meant to “honor America’s first inhabitants and the Tribal Nations that continue to thrive today.”

Lets take some time today and highlight the music of artists with Indigenous descent that we love.

For today’s 9:30 Coffee Break, which songs by Indigenous/Native artists do you want to hear?

Respond with your song ideas in the comments below.

Have an idea for a Coffee Break topic? Submit your idea for a future theme and browse past Coffee Breaks in our archive.

Songs Played
Annie Humphrey - Is It Okay
Link Wray - Raw-Hide
A Tribe Called Red - Land Back
Redbone - Come and Get Your Love
Tanya Tagaq - Tongues
William Prince - Breathless