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Coffee Break

Coffee Break: Same Title, Different Song

The viola looks and sounds very similar to the violin.
The viola looks and sounds very similar to the violin.Pixabay/Edwin Valencia

by Jill Riley and Nilufer Arsala

March 11, 2025

Throughout the years, many songs with the same title have been released by different artists. Sometimes, the songs might be covers, but they are often completely different songs with unique sounds.

The phenomenon is not necessarily a case of mistaken identity, but more of a trend where songs happen to have similar names. Today, let’s create a playlist of songs that are a little bit the same but mostly different.

So for today’s 9:30 Coffee Break, what songs with the same titles (but by different artists) would you like to hear?

Respond with your song ideas in the comments below.

Have an idea for a Coffee Break topic? Submit your idea for a future theme and browse past Coffee Breaks in our archive.

Songs Played
Radiohead- Creep
TLC- Creep
The Magnetic Fields- The Book of Love
The Monotones- Book of Love
Alabama Shakes- Hold On
John Lennon- Hold On
Barry White- Never, Never Gonna Give You Up
Rick Astley- Never Gonna Give Up