The Current

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Listener-Supported Music
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Please note that our catalog only lists songs that we've set up within our system; not every track from an album is displayed. You may request a song that's not in our catalog by using our  request form.

Mark Mallman -

Parasite Eyes

Other songs from Mark Mallman

Marathon 2

Marry Me

Minneapolis (Single)


Minnesota Beatle Project Vol. 1

Fool On The Hill

Monster Movies (Single)

Monster Movies
Monster Movies

Phase I of Marathon 3

A Giant Wave

Phase II of Marathon 3

Blood Flow

Phase III of Marathon 3

Liquid Moth

Quarantined (Single)


Reverse Paradise (Single)

Reverse Paradise

Seen My Own Ghost (Single)

Seen My Own Ghost

The Bootlegs Vol 1- Celebrating 35 Years at First Avenue

To Speak of the Animal

The Cancer (Single)

The Cancer

Twin Town High Volume 9

Remember The 20th Century

We Are We (Single)

We Are We

Who's Gonna Save You Now?

Hook Hand